compatibility across all testing methods
Use our Calculator to dose our products with any 3rd party method of analysis you choose.
We are the first ones in the UK to give you total freedom to select the method of analysis that works better for you. Either you use any of the ICP testing brands or a home kit you can use our Reef Zlements.
Click on the calculator to find out more.
Please note that Reef Zlements is unable to guarantee the precision and accuracy of any of the tests you used to specify your aquarium current levels of the selected element. The amount to dose provided by the Zlements Calculator for each of the elements is accurate based on the volume of the aquarium you enter, the selected element and the values entered for your current and desired levels.
Reef Zlements takes no responsibility and cannot be accountable for any inaccurate current levels you enter or any desired levels you or anyone else specifies.
Reef Zlements also takes no responsibility for any problems or losses (being livestock or anything else) that may be attributable to dosing as a result of using this calculator above.